
四海一家 圳在等你——港中大(深圳)国际生云端团聚

Zoom Meeting for International Students

四海一家 圳在等你


8月21日下午,香港中文大学(深圳)秋季开学前国际学生云端大会顺利召开。新老国际生与副校长朱世平教授及教务处(RO)、学生事务处 (OSA) 、资讯科技服务处 (ITSO) 和国际学者学生服务处(ISSSO)的老师欢聚云端,大家围绕国际生关注的相关话题展开讨论。朱世平教授对新同学们加入港中大(深圳)大家庭表达了热烈的祝贺和亲切的欢迎,并与参会的各部门负责人一道就同学们提出的问题给予解答,帮助同学们为新学期的线上和线下上课做好准备。


校园再美 有你才完整

朱世平教授热情洋溢地对参会的同学们说: “大学决心尽最大限度地恢复校园生活,我们对中外学生一视同仁,对有条件申请签证返校的国际生,大学同样欢迎你们回到校园,并会在同学们入境后的隔离安排等方面给予支持。” 他不无动情地说:“大学校园美丽如故,但美丽的校园需要有同学们的参与才构成完整的大学。国际化是这所大学的重要品牌之一,所以国际学生对我们学校尤为重要。”


On Friday afternoon, August 21, International Scholar and Student Services Office hosted a Zoom meeting for incoming and returning international students of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Vice president, Professor Shiping Zhu as well as directors and staff members from Registry Office (RO), Office of Student Affairs (OSA), Information Technology Services Office (ITSO) participated in the meeting. Professor Shiping Zhu extended warm congratulations and a cordial welcome to the new international students upon their joining the big CUHK-Shenzhen family.  Together with the heads of the aforementioned student support and services offices, Professor Zhu addressed students’ questions and concerns as part of an effort to reach out to international students so as to help them get prepared for online and face-to-face classes in the upcoming fall semester.

The coronavirus outbreak in January has changed our lives. For the health and safety of students, faculty and staff, the University took measures of closing down its campus and adopting an online teaching and learning mode in accordance with the government's epidemic prevention and control policies. Now that the epidemic has been under effective control domestically, the University has called back its students in mainland China. On August 17, the University issued a notice to all international students, the majority of whom are located overseas, to welcome back all those who were able to obtain a new Chinese visa. Due to the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic is still affecting a large part of the globe, students who could obtain a new visa were advised to return to Shenzhen on a voluntary basis with comprehensive consideration of various factors. "The University is determined to restore campus life as much as possible. We treat domestic and international students equally. For international students in countries where visa applications for study purposes are open, the University welcomes you to return to campus, and will provide financial reimbursement to quarantine expenses after your entry into China." Professor Zhu said in his charismatic voice. He continued emotionally, “the campus is as beautiful as ever, but a beautiful campus is incomplete without the participation of our students. Internationalization is one of our important brand identities, and international students are particularly important to our University. "

According to University statistics, there are 260 degree-seeking undergraduate international students from 20 countries this fall, among whom 180 are returning students and 80 are incoming freshmen. At the beginning of the new semester, only 11 international undergraduates will be attending classes on campus, while the majority of them need to continue to take online classes overseas.

After the event, quite a few students commented that the Zoom meeting was held in a timely manner. Not only were their questions and concerns about online and offline classes were addressed, but they were also brought up to date with the University’s latest return to campus provisions, current Chinese visa application protocols and quarantine policies. They looked forward to coming /returning to our beautiful campus in Shenzhen not far in the future. 

 国际生分享 What our students say


Sory Park 


 Junior, SME 经管学院大三学生 

Many thanks for setting up a separate meeting with international students and investing time and effort into listening to our questions and concerns. Having directors and staff members from different departments made the meeting a lot more efficient and solutions to our concerns a lot more clear. We are relieved and grateful to see that everyone in our university is trying their best to help create a safe and effective environment for us to study, learn and interact.


Darell Hung


Sophomore,SSE 理工学院大二学生

The Zoom meeting to welcome returning and new international students was really informative with the latest updates regarding issues related to us international students. Prof.  Zhu was really attentive and willing to solve the problems that we have, along with staff members from different departments. I am really grateful for this activity and looking forward to returning to our beautiful campus!


Tergel Ariunsan


Freshman, SDS 数据科学学院大一学生

The Friday Zoom meeting was a breath of reassurance. Very punctual and organized! Everyone from the university administration explained their roles eloquently, and answered every question with great detail. CUHK-Shenzhen has really been a great constant during these changing times. I am very happy with the way the University is handling this situation and appreciate the time and effort from everyone involved.





